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  • Writer's pictureKatelyn, DMS

What did I do wrong? First-Trimester Miscarriage

I get this question at least once a day. Miscarriage in the first trimester is so much more common than women realize. So today I want to tell you. It is not your fault. You didn't do anything wrong.

woman on the edge of a bed, holding her stomach. she is leaning forward with her forehead resting on her knees. her eyes are closed.

I want to share a few statistics to help you understand how many pregnancies end in miscarriage.

  • “10% and 20% of people with a medically confirmed pregnancy will end in miscarriage. Eighty percent of these will occur during the first trimester.”

  • “About 31% of pregnancies confirmed after implantation end in miscarriage. That translates to roughly one of every three pregnancies.”

  • “According to research from Monash University, the overall risk of miscarriage after the detection of a fetal heartbeat is around 4%, dropping to 1.5% after 8 weeks and 0.9% by 9 weeks.”

  • “Based on the current evidence, if you factor in fertilized eggs that fail to implant along with pregnancies that end in miscarriage, around 70% to 75% of all conceptions will end in pregnancy loss.”

Another infamous question when we have a first-trimester miscarriage is, “What did I do wrong, or why?” Let's start from the beginning.

What is a first-trimester miscarriage? A first-trimester pregnancy loss, also referred to as early pregnancy loss or spontaneous abortion, is generally defined as a nonviable intrauterine pregnancy. While discouraging, these types of losses are common occurrences in early pregnancy.

Miscarriage is nobody's fault.


Hopefully, a few of these statistics will help you understand why our body takes care of things the way it does. These statistics are to explain a lot of reasons for a first-trimester miscarriage.

  • Chromosomal abnormalities are the most common cause of early miscarriage, says Dr. Somani. Research indicates that chromosomal abnormalities account for 50% to 70% of miscarriages in the first trimester, particularly those under ten weeks gestation.

  • Research suggests that preventable infections can account for up to 15% of early miscarriages.

  • Undiagnosed or poorly managed underlying health conditions increase the likelihood of miscarriage. For medical conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, or an autoimmune disease, you must talk to a healthcare provider about your current treatment.

Other contributing factors for miscarriage:

  • Hormone issues, including low levels of progesterone or a thyroid problem

  • Health conditions like lupus or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

  • Problems inside the uterus, such as scar tissue, an abnormal shape, or fibroids

  • Injury or trauma

  • Exposure to toxic substances and chemicals

So remember, there is so much going on in your body that you have no control over. Your body is doing what it was created to do. It is NOT your fault.


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